Free Posts,  Matrix

A look Into The Future/ The split in Reality Explained

I ask to see a 1 year projection.

I see my heart splitting in two.

I see this means that humanity is splitting into two aspects. An organic and a half mechanical. I see this split is happening because humanity is at a point where it is half awake and half asleep. There will be alot of us that will continue to awaken and see our full potential. There will be some of us that are not ready for this and will be choosing to go back to sleep.

There will be some people that choose their organic heart connection and there will be some people that wont. The people that choose their hearts are choosing to take responsibility for their lives. They are healing and doing the internal work. They understand that there is no easy quick fix to making changes in the world. They understand that they will experience pain and intense emotions on the path back to their heart center. They understand that they must feel this pain so that it can be processed and released. There is no way around this internal process. There is no amount of money that can create happiness and take away the trauma that is stored inside the cells of our body.

We must take the energy of this trauma, and change it into something new and beneficial. This is done by understanding ourselves, learning the lessons, and loving the person we are. This is a very sacred process that leads us back to our divinity. You begin to remember who you truly are.

They understand that the connection with themselves is the most important connection they can have. They are taking responsibility and doing the internal work to create peace within themselves. There is no magical wand that creates peace on earth. This is an internal process that we must do as individuals. Once the majority of the collective has done the inner alchemy, then we will experience a collective “peace on earth.”

The people that don’t choose their hearts will choose this mechanical system. It is like the mind matrix. They are not ready to take responsibility for their individual lives. They are not ready to do the work. They want a “quick” magical fix. They do not want to feel pain. They would rather not deal with the uncomfortable emotions that come from internal alchemy of self awareness and expansion. Because of this, they become more robotic. This is creating more A.I. more mechanical based creations. (A.I. in itself is not bad. A.I. is neutral. What is not neutral is the consciousness that is programming the A.I./ behind these a.i. creations.) Ultimately people are choosing to give their control and power over to some one or something else because they are not ready to see their own power. 

For those of us that are choosing our hearts, I see a beta fish swimming in a bowl and then leaving the bowl and the bowl is empty. We become “too big” for the fish bowl. The bowl fades away. Its like we can never go back to being in that fish bowl again.

Fun Facts about beta fish: They are beautiful fish who are independent and require lots of space to swim and be happy. They do not swim in schools. They are natural warriors and they learn to adapt. Beta’s have learned to breathe out of water to survive!

I ask this beta fish to show me where we go now that we aren’t trapped in a fish bowl and it starts swimming freely. It starts swimming in and out of different dimensions with ease. Its like its free to create anything and everything it wants. It can go from timeline to timeline whenever it chooses. In one timeline hes a sea bass. In another timeline hes a beautiful cartoon looking rainbow fish, in another timeline he greets the ocean shore. He is able to tap into many aspects of himself at will. Without effort. All these different aspects are inside of him. 

I see there is an eel lurking just outside the dimension that the fish is in. It is unable to get to the fish. I see the eel is representing the darkness that the people with the heart connection are healing from. The darkness is becoming completely incompatible with the realm they are creating in. I see that this darkness is needing to create another realm that they can stay alive in which is why they are creating this “other matrix/ virtual reality/meta-verse/ simulation/ A.i. based reality”

I see that the darkness is compatible with these a.i. technologies. It can “survive” when there is no heart connection.

This realm (meta((death)) verse is 1 layer below this 3D dimension/ overlayed on top and between this 3d dimension. This realm is like those green lines you see on a computer or a computer simulation.

I see that people are agreeing to cross a bridge over to this “death” realm because they are running away from the big fish– the people with the heart connection.

This is because people with this heart connection understand their power. They understand their authority over this realm and their ability to create. There is no competition for this darkness. It is having to create another realm to move into.

I see that this virtual realm is linked to a change in DNA. I ask what is happening to the DNA and I see a vaccine. I see a persons hand and it starts to crumble and starts to break down. I see some street sweeper come taking these people who are weak and placing them in this lower dimension. In this dimension their consciousness has no idea what is really happening. I see this weak person being able to run like an athlete in this meta verse realm. Their consciousness is experiencing something completely different while their physical body that is still in 3d is experiencing.

I ask to see if someone’s consciousness can break free from this lower realm and I see imagery of them gaining back control of their mind, learning to navigate within that matrix, and possibly even enjoying it, and then ultimately freeing their consciousness enough to where they naturally leave that realm. I see them turn into a fish again and swim back through the dimensions. Remember that energy can never die. It can change, it can shift, but it can never be destroyed. When we shift our energy we will naturally become incompatible with other energy. We will naturally have to shift to other timelines and other planes of existence. This is what is happening within our realm right now. Darkness is becoming incompatible with those with heart connections and is having to go to extreme measures to create hosts that it is compatible with.

Connect to your heart center. It is the most powerful thing you can do!


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