The Original Wound of Consciousness
This blog is a deeper dive into my previous post about the hero’s journey and the role of the antagonist.
As souls–we hold both light and dark within ourselves. Our souls consist of both of these elements. We may think of our souls as pure light only, but within this bright light, we also consist of darkness or –lack of light–as one cannot exist without the other. And because the soul is our God spark–this would mean that soul is both light and dark since soul is God and God is everything.
There was a time when we were completely engulfed in the light side of ourselves. Being in ONLY “light”, we experienced a state of “nothing.” Think of living in a world that only has white. There is nothing to be experienced here in the same way if you were in a black room of darkness. It is like a blank page. In order to have an experience, any kind at all, there needs to be some sort of contrast. You need hot AND cold, darkness AND light, up and down, left AND right, future AND past etc. etc. Of course on one plane, time doesn’t really exist and everything is happening simultaneously. Yes that is true, but to have an experience you need the concept of time. You need to be able to perceive the future and past. You need a sequence of events. So here in 3D land we have the concept of time and it is time that propels forward movement.
So in order to have an experience, as a collective we then traveled into the darkness aspect. We chose to experience the opposite. So we traveled away from our core. As we drifted further and further into the dark we lost connection with our own light. This created the first wound of separation or separate-ness.
As souls, we are still living in the darkness aspect of ourselves. We can see this in our external reality. Things are hidden from us and we forget our own light.
Because the connection to the light was lost, so was the connection to the heart. (I often think of soul/light as synonymous with the heart. I also feel that a large portion of our soul sits within our heart and is what makes our hearts beat. It is the soul that gives the heart that first initial “spark” that begins the heartbeat in the womb.)
This feeling of being separate created fear and this fear became the distorted frequency within the collective. Eventually, consciousness lost its innocence from being disconnected from light for too long. Consciousness then began to create some things that were not so good and some things that were harmful. Because we forgot, we allowed ourselves to be manipulated and abused by each other and our creations.
These things that were created without heart connection/ without light eventually grew and became an entity of their own which we now know as evil because it was created out of fear.
A labyrinth in the mind was created, a matrix if you will. We can think of this as the virus. To find our way back to ourselves we must find our heart connection again which will bring us back into the light. Many of us are coming to remember our own light that had been forgotten. This is part of the awakening process. We are connecting back to our authentic and true forms. It is also why, yes, raising vibration for ourselves and for earth is important, but only because it has been extremely low for so long. The goal is not the highest vibration possible but getting back to that balanced state of equilibrium.
When we awaken to our light and choose to confront these shadow or dark aspects of ourselves, we can then move toward a state of equilibrium. We are able to take what is dark, shine our light on it, and turn it into something beautiful. We can do this through our creativity. Our creative spark is our “God” spark.
The Spiritual Purpose Of the Original Wound
What would be the spiritual purpose of the original wound? Why would humankind need to experience this from an evolutionary perspective?
Children growing into adults is a reflection of how souls grow into maturity. Children are god. They are connected to their deepest core. They have infinite wisdom readily available for them. But they operate just below conscious awareness. A child does not have the capacity to be consciously aware that they are god. They just simply “are.”
This is similar to our souls before incarnating as humans. We are God, but we do not have the capacity to be aware that we are God. Because we just are what we are, how is it possible to know any difference without an opposing experience?
The connection that children have to their divine core is unconscious. An adult’s connection to their core which is brought on through life experience is what creates the conscious awareness of their divinity. Adults then become aware of the light that resides within them. It is through this process that we are able to expand and grow as souls.