Alignment & Grounding

Aligning With Your Purpose

Our purpose in life is synchronistic to your purpose in this very moment. They are holographically connected to your greater purpose in life. Anything you want to accomplish at any give moment is connected to your greater purpose. Whether you wish to reconnect with an estranged friend or disconnect from toxic family members, learn a new skill or enjoy a new hobby, make a delicious meal, connect more with nature–whatever it is that you wish to achieve (however big or small) will lead to your purpose. 


Our intentions are extremely powerful. Behind every action is an intention. How are your actions in alignment with what you wish to accomplish? If you don’t feel you are aligned with your greater purpose in life ask yourself, “What is my intention?” before you do anything. By simply stopping and becoming aware of our intentions we can see what actions are actually not in alignment with whatever we are trying to create for ourselves. If you are having trouble creating what you wish to experience- it usually means you are holding mixed intentions. 

What is my intention for posting on social media? Validation? Attention? Likes? To fill the void/loneliness? Self- expression? Connection? 

What is my intention for arguing  with my spouse? Attention? Validation? Connection? Pettiness? Manipulation?

What is my intention for eating this meal? Enjoyment? Nourishment? Energy? Boredom? Emotional?

The answers will instantly come to you and then you can make the necessary changes to become more in alignment with what you’re trying to accomplish. Your task now is to practice higher principles in the things you do in every moment. Your great life task is actually just a result of your moment to moment practice of higher life principles. (love, self-awareness, spiritual growth.)  The real work is right now, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.  

The Hara Level

There are three natural energy centers that lay just underneath the aura in what is called the Hara level. The Hara level is the level of our intentions. In the hara level is the Tan tien–located below the naval– which extends to create the hara, above the hara is the soul seat/high heart, and above that is ID point.

The Tan Tien is located below the naval. This is our will center–the will to live in a physical body. that connects us deep into the earth’s core. The Tan Tien is the one note or vibration that holds the body in physical manifestation. When the note/tone of this energy center is off we will experience mental and physical weakness. Dysfunction in the Tan tien occurs when we disown our human being-ness. We might reject our physical bodies or have negative self talk about our physicality or even try to ascend out human form trying to become something else. The frequency of these negative thoughts distorts the t frequency of the tan tien which results in a distorted connection to the earth plane. 

Our spiritual bodies can lose connection with the earth. When this happens we can experience pain, nervousness, and unbalanced emotions. We can become “spacey” and lose our grip on reality. This may cause us to think unrealistically or feel out of control. We might have trouble focusing and remembering. The grounding of our spirit and physical body can be strengthened by visualizing tan tien being grounded into the earth. It is also an effective tool for releasing negative energy, unwanted thoughts and stress. 

The high heart is located in the chest. It is related to our spiritual longings and desires. It is what we wish to accomplish. It corresponds to our emotion and our spiritual longings that lead us through life. Dysfunction in the high heart results from repressed feelings and unprocessed emotions. It can also result from people not pursuing their dreams or desires.

The id point is what connects us to our higher spiritual reality/connection outside this realm. It holds our reason to incarnate. It is located above the head. Dysfunction in the ID point happens when we lose connection to God/source. 

There is a line that runs through these three energy centers and grounds us into this earth plane. When the line is out of alignment we will experience that distortion in all areas of our life. On the other hand, when we align our intentions; Connection to pure creative god energy/reason to incarnate (ID point), with soul’s desires (high heart/soul seat), with physical earth plane (Tan Tien)–we will experience great health and connection to our soul purpose. 


Tan Tien Strengthening

Go into a relaxed meditative state and visualize your tan tien just below the navel. If you have a hard to with visualization its okay. Use your senses. Relax your analytic mind and just see what images and thoughts float by while concentration on the hara center. If your mind wonders off you can repeat the word, “tan tien” to keep you focused. 

What is your first instinct? What shape is the tan tien? What colors are coming to mind? How strong is the energy? Does anything look defomed? Use your intuition and your instincts and let your mind go free. Allow yourself to be in a state of receptivity. Now look at the line that connects you deep into the earth’s (realm) core. Is it straight? Is it off center to your body? What does it look like? 

Now lets strengthen it. Connect to it and make the Tan Tien red hot. If you successfully connect your body will become warm. Now connect to the molten core of the earth and feel the connection between the tan tien. Visualize this linebetween the two being strengthened. Root this line deep into the earth cores. 

High Heart Strengthening

Now move up to the area of your high heart. Do you sense any distortions? How does it look? How does it feel? What emotions have you been suppressing. Have you been avoiding your own need to grieve? What do you desire in this very moment? This center carries the song of your soul. Your unique frequency. It is the middle point between your spiritual self and your physical self. Connect to this note and and feel the sweetness enfolding within you. Expand this energy center to engulf your chest. Then connect it to the tan tien and strengthen the line. 

ID Point Strengthening

Now move to the ID point. This represents your individuation from God/Source/Pure Creative energy force. Think back to all the times as a child that you felt connected to this creative energy source. Connect the ID point to the high heart and strength this line all the way down to the molten core of the earth.

You are in alignment from your individuation from source to your soul desires to your incarnation into physicality. Will it with your intention. Pull this alignment up into your aura and into your physical body. 

Now allow your actions up into the physical realm to be in alignment with the intentions you made in the hara level. However small your desires are in the moment–they are perfectly aligned with your greater purpose. 

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