Aura Cleansing & Balancing
Masculine and Feminine
Just Below our physical bodies is the aura. Your aura is composed of the masculine and feminine energies
Snippet From my Book Soul Rhythm
“Every human being holds two energies: masculine and feminine. On our right side stands the male light body. On the left side is our female light body. You can think of light bodies as energy fields. Within these two energies resides our consciousness. The light body, as it develops, is capable of influencing the genetic code and chromosomal structure which give rise to personal traits and characteristics.
These energy fields hold our beliefs and perceptions that ultimately dictate our thought patterns. All experiences and information from our current life, past lives and alternate realities have been collected into your own cloud of consciousness. We connect to other clouds unconsciously throughout the day. When we dream, when we come in contact with someone else’s field, and even just the mere thought of someone—our clouds meet up and exchange information. Basically, we each have our own encyclopedia right there in our cloud, just waiting to be accessed!
At one point, these two energies worked in perfect balance and harmony with each other. Feminine energy represents our most emotive and introspective side of self, the contraction of physical being into its energetic essence, its connection to the root. The female’s job is to explore, travel and inspire. She is receptive, intuitive, radiant, and tender. She is flowy, creative, and fluid. Our feminine energy is associated with the feelings of the heart. Our hearts hold our needs, wants, and desires that we wish to experience.
The masculine energy is her opposite. It represents all our power of manifestation and creation. It is externalization, extroversion and the projection of being. It is consciousness expanded to outside of itself. It is the practical aspect of the source, directional and objective, clear and rational. It is what we see with our eyes, feel with our hands; it is the physical universe. Masculine is structure, focus, logic, and boundaries, to name a few. The male’s job is to provide security, stability, and grounding. He is giving, expansive, assertive, and courageous.
These energies are reversed in the brain hemispheres. The left side of the brain is associated with masculine energy while the right side is associated with feminine energy. However, for the majority of this book I will metaphorically speak of the masculine energy as the brain and the feminine energy as the heart. Our brains analyze how to manifest the needs, wants and desires of our hearts into physicality. When they come together, they build the foundation for each other to create anything and everything in existence. One could not work without the other. In other words, the masculine builds the house and the feminine turns that house into a home.
Through the matrix control and manipulation, these energies became dysfunctional and stopped connecting. They both became hurt and wounded by the other. The feminine became a victim, powerless, weak, manipulating, needy, co-dependent, and overly sensitive. The masculine became a perpetrator, abusive, aggressive, controlling, unstable, unsupportive, confrontational, and critical. We see this dysfunction reflected everywhere within this reality where everything is an inversion of its organic nature. “
Masculine and Feminine Balancing Meditation.
Go into a relaxed meditative state. View yourself in your mind’s eye and ask your masculine and feminine energy to come forward. View how they interact. In most cases, your inner male and inner female will manifest and be reflected outward in your physical relationships. If you are having persistent relationship conflicts it is likely that your own male and female energies are weak, unbalanced, in conflict or competition with one another. Do you see any resemblance between your inner energies and your physical relationships? For instance, if you have been feeling suffocated within your relationship you may see imagery of your energies choking each other. The issue may not be with your partner at all. It may be something you may need to work out within yourself. When you have internal peace you won’t tolerate a chaotic partner and you will be able to reflect the peace outward in your actions.
Talk to your energies and make the necessary changes to the imagery to help balance yourself before you jump to conclusions or start an unnecessary fight.
There may be foreign energies hiding within your male and female as well. Ask your male to come forward. Imagine a glass jar and command all foreign energies to come out and into the glass jar. You may be surprised as to what comes out! Sometimes it can be other people’s energy, it can be entities, and there can also be programs. Imagine the glass jar being disposed of in the earth’s molten lava to be burned, cleansed and reused later. Next, repeat the process for your female energy.
Then, as you move out of your meditation and go about your day, make sure you take action regarding the information your received. For instance: If your female showed you imagery of a painting–this can be an indication that you need to express your creativity today. Your feminine energy make be craving a creative outlet. Perhaps it has been years since you allowed yourself to be free and flowing like a child. Love yourself by honoring your energies. Taking action to give yourself what you need will balance your energy.
Energetic Hygiene
This is a great tool to use as a weekly energetic hygiene routine. We are constantly accumulating things as we move throughout the day and interact with people. Just as we practice physical hygiene: brushing our teeth, showering, washing of hands–we should also be regularly cleansing our energy field of unwanted accumulations.