Calling Back Your Energy
Your energy has the ability to leave your aura and travel anywhere. Often times it is hanging out in places we visited through out the day like your place of work and even in your computer. Some times our energy is left with the people we interacted with like co-workers, friends, and family members. Some people spend large amounts of their energy focusing on the past or worrying about their future. Whatever you focus on, your energy will travel there.
When you think of some else, it is because that persons energy has entered or is remaining in your own energetic field or because your energy has just traveled over to that person.
When we are aware of how we are being affected by energy we can do whatever necessary to release the energy. Just by being aware, and conscious of our thought processes and recognizing which ones are not our own and coming from an outside influence– usually releases the energy automatically. You can consciously say that you are no longer in agreement with the energetic connection. Visualize this person’s energy running down your hara line and being released into the molten lava.
Every living creature on the planet is made up of the same materials, but the way it is organized/coded makes it unique to you. This is why the best energy, or fuel, for your body is your own.
We absorb other energies all day. It is important to have incorporate energetic cleansing to our hygiene routine to remove foreign energies out of our bodies. Foreign energies can cause confusion, exhaustion, sadness, discomfort, pain, and illness.
Visualize a big golden sun. See it hovering a few inches above your head. Now take a marker and write your name in the middle of the sun. Inside this sun is the most powerful magnet in the world. The only thing it attracts is your own energy.
Now call back all the energy that has left you–your job, your relationships, your children, your projects, wherever you feel it is hanging out. This energy is being cleansed in the heat of the sun. No foreign energies can withstand the fire. See the energy being called back to your sun as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. When you feel all your energy has been called back–imagine all this energy dripping into the top of your head. It flows down into your back, arms, legs, and feet. It is revitalizing all the tissues and muscles. It pours out into your aura. See the energy flow through your body energizing you. Thank the sun and visualize it floating away until next time you call upon it.