Third Eye Is Not The Same as Pineal Gland

Cosmic Consciousness

I initially started this meditation because I was curious how cosmic consciousness was related to the pineal gland. I read that cosmic consciousness comes in to our body through our pineal gland or “third eye.” I wanted to see if this was true so I did a very thorough clairvoyant reading to see what information would come through.

I see cosmic consciousness is up in the stars but the stars in the “galaxy” are like smoke and they disappear and behind the stars is like glass or some other realm where people look down and watch. This is telling me that when you connect to cosmic consciousness you are connecting to consciousness that is solely within this game/simulated universe realm. You will not be accessing anything “higher” such as information coming from outside this simulated universe realm.(information coming from your “higher self”) Cosmos are the stars and the stars are used as programming within the simulation. From this question I also saw that the “third eye” and the Pineal gland are not the same thing.

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