Free Posts,  Healing

Life Is Simple

Last year I was introduced to homeopathy. I began seeing a naturopathic doctor for my children and this year for myself. I’m amazed at how effectively it worked for our ailments. I have been interested in natural medicine, health, and healing for over 10 years and although I saw improvement, nothing was as profound and quick acting as the homeopathic remedies we were each prescribed. My kids mental and emotional health has improved as well as their physical ailments. My mental and emotional health has improved significantly which is the inspiration from for this post.

I thought I was balanced before I started taking the remedies but what I found was the the remedy gently and lightly pulsed more distortions and imbalances out of my consciousness that I wasn’t even aware was hindering me. These are patterns of thought that were so ingrained in my DNA, possibly things that were passed down from generation to generation, that I couldn’t have possibly been aware of on my own until I shifted out of it.

What I found out about myself from this remedy that was prescribed is that there is a part of myself that gets fixated and obsessed with ideas and philosophies. Although I love the clairvoyant journeys I do on various topics, there is a part of me that was spending too much time trying to figure out the tiny details of life. I learned that people like me tend to get fixated on religious philosophies, and yes, even spirituality can turn into a religion for many people. My passion and love for investigating and finding the truth was also playing a part in my illnesses and unbalances.

At this point in my life is feel that life is much more simple than we make it. I came across a homeopathic website that summed up my current outlook and perspective perfectly from a health point of view.

“We must understand that global pathology is a continuum, as I have explained in my book ‘A New Model for Health and Disease.’ Disease processes are evolving in the same or a similar way to the social or spiritual evolution of human beings (or at least what we call an evolution). We say, for example, generally one nationality or race is more polite than another. What we may actually be implying unknowingly is that this evolved nation has undergone a series of degenerative processes through several generations of diseases that have transformed the primitive instincts into more acceptable forms of social behavior; but not necessarily into more health. Evolution may be going hand in hand with degeneration, tempering or restraining some basic instincts of life that give pleasure or happiness on the physical level. When losing the pleasure on the physical level, the human being tries to find happiness through spiritual awareness. So disease is the discipline of the human being in its upward march for spiritual evolution.

The healer must be aware of these truths or realities, if he is to advise correctly on a case of deep suffering and take the individual from the unhappiness of the disease to the happiness of real health…”

This totally resonated with me and helped me understand further a previous reading I did on the Hadza Tribe. I saw that this tribe was actually more spiritually advanced than people like me who live in a modern setting and practice spirituality. I saw that we are actually the primitive ones no matter how intellectually “Evolved” we think we are. I didn’t quit understand it at the time but I am understanding it more and more now, the more I come into balance and stop fixating on “truths”, ideas, philosophies, and trying to understand how everything works. My focus is shifting more to just enjoying life, living life and doing the things I truly enjoy like being a mom and spending time with my kids. An important part of health is not to forget the physical parts of this experience and be fully integrated into our physical bodies which is hard for alot of us to do who are not originally from Earth –and where I feel my focus is shifting toward.

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