Why we need to stay in 3D
The end goal is to trap the consciousness of humanity inside another technology based matrix. Its this consciousness (which is essentially just energy)is what powers up this other matrix like batteries.
There are so many beliefs that demonize this 3D realm and the 3d experience. Many beliefs say we must transcend this 3d realm and the 3d experience but what I’ve learned is that this is a very dangerous trap. Experiencing 3D life is not “the matrix.” There is a beautiful earth experience here that was at one point very harmonious and we were once part of nature; not separate from it. What happened was that that 3d experience was infiltrated. They took that away harmony away from humans and now there is a system in place. Now, some may call this system that has us work our whole lives away for money and changed the way we think and interact with each other, “the matrix.” This is true. But this is just one level.
You see our physical bodies are 3D. When we disown our 3D bodies and this 3d experience our bodies will become weak. This is also like disregarding our own masculine energy which means we have no protection, security or stability of our own. This leaves us extremely vulnerable for manipulation and abuse. Trying in ascend into what people call 5D is physically impossible. What you are actually doing is creating a war inside yourself and fighting to be something that your not. You will eventually experience a decline in health and happiness. It is not logical thinking to believe you will wake up one day in a completely different reality in a “New Earth.” (Well, we can wake up in a “better” reality if we all decide to heal, but it is a gradual process–Not instant and spontaneous.)
While our physical bodies can’t physically be 5D–there is something else that can happen to our consciousness. What can happen is that our energy/consciousness can be uploaded into a 5D realm. Think of it sort of like a virtual reality game. Your physical body is laying on the couch–but your consciousness is somewhere else experiencing a very different reality than your physical body. This is extremely dangerous and is happening all day. Eventually you will start to lose connection to your 3D physical body. Your mind will be in the game and not in the 3D reality. In order to experience a healthy body you need the mind-body connection. Your body will break down, you will experience stress and you might even think its better to leave this reality to be in a virtual one where you do not have to feel any pain or suffering.
So people that are consciously trying to leave earth and go to 5D, or higher timeline, or anywhere other than this 3d experience are consenting to having their mind leave their physical body and “go” into this other realm. People in 3D might interact with this person and their 3D avatar but their consciousness will be off experiencing a completely different experience. Sort of like becoming an empty shell. There is no driver in the vehicle. The car is on. It might even be driving to work, but there is no one in the seat.
This is exactly what 5D is. It is another level of control. I briefly went of this in another blog here.
When we interact with technology our energy leaves our body and goes into these machines. This happens on a very small scale that it mostly goes unnoticed to the average person. They may feel drained or extremely lethargic after interacting with technology for a long time but will not make the connection that is the because of the technology is literally sucking their energy up. What 5D is doing-is this energy harvesting on a much larger scale.
The energy is then transferred to an even bigger machine. Some call this ascending. Others call it a “higher/positive” timeline. But This machine is like a huge overlay/filter over the original earth. And this is where people are going when they “ascend.”
5D is also connected to 5G. It is also connected to the va x x ine and even cryptocurrency. It is a new advancement of technology whose end goal is to ultimately merge humans with a malevolent inorganic technology. You may not think this is a bad thing–but I assure you it is. You may be thinking, “oh wow we will live longer and we have this great technology to heal etc. etc.” But, in what scenario and what movie has being dependent on machines ever been a good thing? It will end in disaster over and over and over again. Machines are just the copy of what humans can already do. We all have healing power within us and we don’t need technology to do it for us.
When I do a psychic reading on 5D I see people getting trapped in an infinity loop. I see them coming back down from this realm on a parachute but landing on a tree branch and getting stuck. This is telling me that this is painful and very hard to leave the trap once you are in it.( hard but not impossible!) A fellow psychic and friend of mine also saw that 5D was like swimming in crap and that is was connected to a.i.
When I ask about 3D I see that the 3d realm keeps us healthy and balanced. We are supposed to get knocked down and find our strength to get up again. We are suppose to be here to simply experience things! Whatever your heart wishes! But it doesn’t mean we won’t face challenges that we will need to overcome. In order for energy to stay healthy it has to move physically, mentally and spiritually. Stagnant energy=sick energy. This means its actually healthy for consciousness to experience a little bit of discomfort. We move into uncomfortable territory, learn something, and overcome it and balance ourselves again. This is healthy movement of energy. This magical, wonderful, blissful place of 5d and higher timeline eradicate this natural process of energy in motion. This is why we will start to experience a decline in health. Not only this but our minds will be in a virtual reality and losing connection from our physical bodies.
I see that embracing 3D life is not only beneficial for our health and future of our human race, but also beneficial for the Earth itself. Each time we connect back to earth we strengthen our bodies and help strength earth itself. When we try to disconnect from earth, it also weakens earth and makes this a.i. stronger.
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