
  • Matrix

    High VS. Low Vibrations

    There is no “right” way to be spiritual. To be spiritual is simply being connected to your spirit or to be aligned with yourself and following your soul path. This can look different for everyone. You don’t have to have crystals or be concerned with astrology. You don’t have to eat a certain way or meditate and do yoga. You do not have to look or act a certain way and you certainly don’t have to hold “high vibrations.” Everyone is learning their own lessons which means everyone’s journey will look different. When a group of people begins to make rules about how a person should live their lives or…

  • Healing,  Matrix

    Can The Heart Be Programmed?

    Can the heart be programmed like the mind? What does it mean to have an open heart? Why do we have to protect our heart if the goal is to open it?  After many investigations I kept getting the same answer, “No, the heart can’t be programmed.” So why does it sometimes feel as if it does? Why does our heart get hurt? Why do some of us feel like we can’t trust our hearts? First let me say that heart/soul/ spirit can be used interchangeably. And I often say heart because I view it as synonymous to my soul. They are the authentic parts of ourselves and sometimes they…

  • Annunaki,  Healing,  Matrix,  Members Only

    A Course In Miracles and The Holy Spirit

    What Is ACIM? From “A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest “miracle” is the act of simply gaining a full “awareness of love’s presence” in a person’s life.[1] Schucman said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of “inner dictation” from Jesus Christ.[2][3] The book is considered to have borrowed from New Age movement writings.[4][5]“ Clairvoyant Reading When Doing a Reading on “A Course In Miracles” I see energy of both light and water representing. It seems like there is a stream of fresh clean consciousness associated with this book and it’s teachings…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Heroin, The Hero’s Journey, & Reptilians

    I was viewing the effects of the drug heroin some time ago and was surprised at what I learned from this. I learned that heroin is a sick, death-like female energy. Think of this energy like the scary little girl from the movie The Ring. This sick dead energy will start to take over and cause someone’s natural female energy to lose strength and vitality. So when people “kick”– or withdrawal from this–they are kicking out this sick female energy out of their energy field. When this energy leaves the body the energy doesn’t just disappear, it remains intact almost like a demon in the spirit/energy realm. Next, I saw…

  • Free Posts,  Healing,  Matrix

    The Vegetarian Vs. Carnivore Debate

    This topic came up in conversation recently which inspired me to look at it clairvoyantly. I will start by saying that if you believe that it’s one way or the other–Or believe that one specific way is the only way to true health– it’s a sure sign that you are stuck in a program. Any strong belief or idea about how another person should be living their life is actually a core trauma. When your belief is so strong that it prevents you from seeing the other side of the spectrum then you are simply operating from a wounded place. It does not indicate it is the highest truth. The…

  • Matrix

    What is consciousness? 

    I see a turtle on a Lilly pad of water, I see it drinking water and looking into the water. It’s as if it notices itself as it looks at its reflection, and in that moment it perceives. Consciousness is the ability to perceive. This requires separation. It needs to be separate and individual to have a place of perception to start with. It needs a place to start; This is me, this is who I am, this is what I am. To be conscious of something you first need identity.  What is the difference between soul and consciousness? Consciousness is something that grows, expands, and it is capable of…

  • Annunaki,  Matrix,  Members Only

    The Distortion in the Universe-Understanding The Big Picture

    This earth reality is part of a game experience. It is like a carnival ride in the universe that was suppose to be fun. The ride broke because a Virus got in and malfunctioned everything. This virus is a parasite. It overlaid its vibration on top of everything else-disguising itself. This makes our vibration distorted.  What this virus does is infiltrate the consciousness and keep the consciousness is connected from its own soul. It does this with negativity and abusive thoughts. This disconnection makes its hosts spiritually dead like zombies. They essentially forget who they are at their core-which is a spark of God. So how was this virus created…

  • Matrix,  Members Only

    Third eye is not the same as Pineal Gland

    Cosmic Consciousness I initially started this meditation because I was curious how cosmic consciousness was related to the pineal gland. I read that cosmic consciousness comes in to our body through our pineal gland or “third eye.” I wanted to see if this was true so I did a very thorough clairvoyant reading to see what information would come through. I see cosmic consciousness is up in the stars but the stars in the “galaxy” are like smoke and they disappear and behind the stars is like glass or some other realm where people look down and watch. This is telling me that when you connect to cosmic consciousness you…

  • Healing,  Matrix,  Members Only

    Introduction To Healing

    Traumatized Consciousness And The Artificial Matrix Traumatized consciousness is what powers the matrix. The matrix is a false technology based overlay–just like a filter–that covers everything in this realm. It inverts everything so that everything is in a state of disharmony. Just like computers, it creates programs that people can download/upload or remove and delete from their consciousness. A matrix program is anything that is preventing you from being your authentic self. It is usually a self-sabotaging or negative belief about oneself. It is a confusing energy and will often talk you out of what you truly desire to experience in this life. A program will cause you to repeat…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Earth is a Sims Game

    Life on earth is like a Sims game–and when we see it as a game can put us back in our power. We have more control and are less likely to get over taken by intense emotions. We will be able to think more strategically in terms of how to meet our goals. Etheric Sim implant I have also seen this Sims crystal symbol above people’s heads clairvoyantly. It is like an etheric implant. This etheric implant keeps you running on scripts (programs). You are less likely to be the player of your own character. In other words, you will simply be playing a role that was written for you…