There are two types of “oneness”.
The first is Oneness or wholeness with yourself. The next is the belief of being “one” with everything that is. While both of these types of oneness are “true” in a way, the latter type is also used by the matrix for control.
Yes its true that we are one with everything. After all, if we go back far enough, we all come from the same material. Through the natural process of growth, expansion and creation–new creations form, break away, and become a separate entity of that of their creator. The expansion process continues. This creation process never stops. The creator creates and the creation begins to breathe life of its own. It becomes a individual entity. It then forms enough consciousness to become a creator and creates its own creation. The process continues until today. We as humans are the creation and the creator simultaneously. Because of this creation lineage-everything here contains a piece of everything else. As humans we are supposed to experience individuality. This is part of having a healthy ego.
Inorganic “Oneness”
I had a profound experience taking psychedelics one time. There was one part that made me feel this “oneness” with everything feeling. I lost all concepts of myself and who I was. I’ve heard some people call this “ego death”. I just merged with everyone and everything. Although I felt an intense amount of love and positive feelings, I always wondered if this “oneness feeling” was organic or some type of manipulation.
I ask what happens during this experience and see me and everyone else like puppets on strings. This was during a huge rave. These types of gatherings are already big energy harvesting events but we won’t go too deep into that aspect here.
Instead, I go deeper into these feelings of “oneness” while on drugs or psychedelics. I see that drugs in general breaks our foundation. We spend a lot of time building our foundation when we do drugs it breaks all this work that we’ve done to offer ourselves stability and grounding. This leaves our aura extremely vulnerable to attack, attachments and manipulations.
I see that when you do them you give up all control. I see a matrix bug playing with a person on psychedelics like a yoyo. I see this affects someone very negatively. it makes them unstable and I see it’s similar to being on a carnival ride out of a night mare.
Why are psychedelics often seen as healing?
I then ask to see why people think they are healing when doing these drugs and I see that it’s fun. They may tap into their inner child for a moment and they also remember their super human nature. I also see they connect to this god perspective but it is not their vibration that is taking them to that level. It is something artificial that is connecting them momentarily. I see that this thing that takes us to this perspective is almost like a futuristic /ancient apparatus that flys and inside is a film strip. I see someone getting connected to this apparatus when they do psychedelics and it sort of feeds them this god-like or oneness perspective but it is false and mechanical.
(of course there are always exceptions here. I was looking for a general overview on this subject. Of course some people may experience some type of organic healing from psychedelics. After all, as long as we are learning lessons from our experiences we are healing.)
Be one with yourself.
I see when you accept the belief that to be one you have to be one with everything it turns you into a robot. This must be because you lose a sense of individuality and also means losing part of your identity. I see someone sitting cross legged with their hands in prayer and then I see them with their hands tied behind their back and snake energy coming out their mouth. I see that when you embrace this new age idea of oneness you leave yourself vulnerable. Our egos are also our protection. This is connected to the idea of merging back with “source” upon death.
It seems that the emphasis of true “oneness” should be on yourself and not with anything else. Being “one” with yourself means that you are whole. I ask to see organic “oneness” and I see my inner child inside myself, sitting and reading a book. I also see that when someone is becomes one within themselves (fully integrate, whole) they become their own planet or world.
When this happens within someone, it means that they are vibrating at their soul frequency. It is this internal dance within someone that never stops. This dance creates a vibration that allows for a foundation for new worlds to be built on. This is what I see clairvoyant and could be symbolic but also literal as well. Meaning we are all literally and metaphorically creating our own worlds when we start to vibrate at this soul frequency. This vibration is our “god perspective/ god self”. It is our own unique spark (soul) of “source” essence.