• Healing,  Matrix

    Can The Heart Be Programmed?

    Can the heart be programmed like the mind? What does it mean to have an open heart? Why do we have to protect our heart if the goal is to open it?  After many investigations I kept getting the same answer, “No, the heart can’t be programmed.” So why does it sometimes feel as if it does? Why does our heart get hurt? Why do some of us feel like we can’t trust our hearts? First let me say that heart/soul/ spirit can be used interchangeably. And I often say heart because I view it as synonymous to my soul. They are the authentic parts of ourselves and sometimes they…

  • Free Posts,  Healing

    5 Signs of Low Masculine Energy

    As you know, everyone and everything has both masculine and feminine energy. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, you need a healthy masculine energy for mental, emotional and physical well-being. So I will talk about the 5 signs of a low or unhealthy masculine energy and ways to balance this. All these signs overlap into each other as well, you will see what I mean as we get further into the post. 1. You have body image issues/ negative thoughts and feelings about your body. Your body is an amazing instrument that allows your spirit to have a physical experience. When you have negative thoughts about the way you…

  • Healing

    The Original Wound of Consciousness

    This blog is a deeper dive into my previous post about the hero’s journey and the role of the antagonist. As souls–we hold both light and dark within ourselves. Our souls consist of both of these elements. We may think of our souls as pure light only, but within this bright light, we also consist of darkness or –lack of light–as one cannot exist without the other. And because the soul is our God spark–this would mean that soul is both light and dark since soul is God and God is everything.  There was a time when we were completely engulfed in the light side of ourselves. Being in ONLY…

  • Annunaki,  Matrix,  Members Only

    The Distortion in the Universe-Understanding The Big Picture

    This earth reality is part of a game experience. It is like a carnival ride in the universe that was suppose to be fun. The ride broke because a Virus got in and malfunctioned everything. This virus is a parasite. It overlaid its vibration on top of everything else-disguising itself. This makes our vibration distorted.  What this virus does is infiltrate the consciousness and keep the consciousness is connected from its own soul. It does this with negativity and abusive thoughts. This disconnection makes its hosts spiritually dead like zombies. They essentially forget who they are at their core-which is a spark of God. So how was this virus created…

  • Members Only,  Visualizations & Meditations

    Aura Cleansing and Balancing Exercise 

    Just Below our physical bodies is the aura. Your aura is composed of the masculine and feminine energies  Snippet From my Book Soul Rhythm  “Every human being holds two energies: masculine and feminine. On our right side stands the male light body. On the left side is our female light body. You can think of light bodies as energy fields. Within these two energies resides our consciousness. The light body, as it develops, is capable of influencing the genetic code and chromosomal structure which give rise to personal traits and characteristics. These energy fields hold our beliefs and perceptions that ultimately dictate our thought patterns. All experiences and information from…

  • Healing,  Matrix,  Members Only

    Introduction To Healing

    Traumatized Consciousness And The Artificial Matrix Traumatized consciousness is what powers the matrix. The matrix is a false technology based overlay–just like a filter–that covers everything in this realm. It inverts everything so that everything is in a state of disharmony. Just like computers, it creates programs that people can download/upload or remove and delete from their consciousness. A matrix program is anything that is preventing you from being your authentic self. It is usually a self-sabotaging or negative belief about oneself. It is a confusing energy and will often talk you out of what you truly desire to experience in this life. A program will cause you to repeat…

  • Free Posts,  Healing,  Matrix


    There are two types of “oneness”. The first is Oneness or wholeness with yourself. The next is the belief of being “one” with everything that is. While both of these types of oneness are “true” in a way, the latter type is also used by the matrix for control. Yes its true that we are one with everything. After all, if we go back far enough, we all come from the same material. Through the natural process of growth, expansion and creation–new creations form, break away, and become a separate entity of that of their creator. The expansion process continues. This creation process never stops. The creator creates and the…

  • Free Posts,  Healing

    Gut Microbiome and Aura Connection.

    A string of events lead to a decline in my health recently. To put it simply, my gut health became unbalanced due to several contributing factors. I recently moved to a completely new area. It is a different elevation and a completely different diversity of plant species. The stress that involves moving plus the new pollen I was breathing was the first hit to my immune system. Next, I got savagely attacked by the mosquitoes here and it lasted for weeks. My body had an allergic response and that was hit number 2 to my immune system. Next, I took a job as a cleaning lady. The problem with this…

  • Free Posts,  Healing

    The Importance of Authentic Self-Expression

    Someone might make an uncomfortable comment. Someone else might over step our boundaries. Someone says or does something that we don’t like- Or maybe we are hold a different perspective from someone but don’t express our thoughts for fear of being ridiculed or rejected. We stay quiet. We don’t saying anything. What happens in these circumstances when we don’t express our thoughts and emotions with integrity? Essentially, when we don’t speak our truth in the moment we end up disowning ourselves. That is why it feels so painful. We might replay these experiences in our head for weeks. We loop it over and over thinking of what we should have…

  • Free Posts,  Healing

    Narcissism-A Trauma Response

    Healing from narcissistic abuse has actually become a trend these days. Although this is a good thing, it’s important to understand that narcissism is actually a learned behavior as a result of childhood trauma. I have seen unhealthy narcissist attributes in the majority of people, including myself. This is because as children, the majority of us were traumatized. There are many adults walking around that don’t even know that their parent’s parenting style was traumatizing and had lasting negative impacts on their psyche. This is because this way of parenting (punishing until the child submits) is normal in our society. We had narcissist parents that were traumatized by their parents.…