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The Real Reason Why You Can’t Manifest Money.

Like most people, I was told that money is a currency and a frequency that we have to tap into. This is true. But this is only half of the truth. If you have been confused about what exactly money is and how some people seem to manifest it while you can’t —this blog will clear some things up.

I did several meditations focused on understanding the energy of money and how it applies to this realm. How does it connect to this realm and why do we need it here? I went into this psychic reading really expecting to see some positive imagery around what money is and how it’s used. I was very surprised at the information that came through because it was not what I expected–but it did make sense and paint a larger picture for me to understand.

I saw first and foremost that money is part of the control system that I will simply start calling the PYRAMID SCHEME.(please refer to my previous post) There is an organic game of life which includes true freedom. And… there is another aspect of this game that developed. This other aspect is one of control and it includes this PYRAMID SCHEME. Money belongs to this Pyramid scheme that developed in the game and took over a large part of this life experience. It is used to keep people as slaves and it feeds the energy harvesting. I see that chasing money is similar to being in a maze. Some people lose themselves chasing money and lose connection to their hearts and never find their way out. They are trapped in this maze and this pyramid scheme.

I also saw that money is part of the heirarchy within this pyramid scheme. Heirarchy is a also a control sytem that developed in the game. In this pyramid scheme, the more money you have equals the more power and control you have within that pyramid operating system. So, when hooked into this pyramid system, you will experience feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness for being at the bottom of the pyramid. And you will feel that you need to work your way up to the top of this system so you can finally be “successful.” You will be trapped in this maze.

This is a way to keep people as slaves to this pyramid system and it keep this pyramid structure in place. How many of us have been slaves to our debt? Slaves to our car loans and our houses? This Pyramid SCHEME is extremely hard to disconnect from. After all, We need to take care of our families and we will do whatever it takes to make sure we can put food on the table. And so, the pyramid scheme stays in place.

Money Is An Entity

Money is called currency because it is a current, or a frequency. This is true, but this is only half the truth. Money has different currents just like the ocean–not just one. This means that just because you tap into this frequency, does not mean your money will be stable. Just like the ocean current, you will experience high tides and low tides. You may also experience stagnant water–no movement. You may also experience extremely volatile waves!

This was the “a-ha!” moment for me when I understood this tiny missing puzzle piece. I also understood that money is its own entity. Just we as individuals are our own separate entities and experience a broad range of frequencies and vibrations, so does this money entity. I saw this “money” entity as a huge mucus blob. This is sick, virus energy. It is not a healthy energy. Since it was created for this system of control pyramid–as you probably already know–money is able to be controlled and manipulated. They are able to manipulate the whole economy and essentially the whole world through the manipulation of this money entity.

I see that when someone becomes wealthy within this pyramid it creates more matrix attachments which means more energy harvesting. There are certain energetic contracts that get signed on spiritual level and even physical level. This usually means comprising your values and your spirit. Which is also synonymous for selling your soul. For instance a higher position at your job to make more money might mean physically signing a new contract with your job and spiritually signing a contract to compromise your heart and soul. This contract could means longer hours at work and nights away from your family. This means you have attachments to the money you made. There was some sort of consensual transaction that took place. For instance: “you get this money and in doing so we can still use you harvest energy.”

This creates more stress which create more fear and more energy harvesting which keeps this pyramid in place.

I see that making money outside of this pyramid system is like being in a boxing match. It is very very hard and takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Not selling your soul means staying in your heart center and creating money from within your heart center. This means not compromising your values whatsoever. I see this heart as a precious jewel and its absolutely vital to stay within this territory. I see that anything that is created from your heart is “your territory” and is completely protected. Heart creations look different for everybody. (as each our our hearts and soul beats to a different rhythm. each one of us creates different “music”)

I see that once you detach from this pyramid system there is a “opposing force” so to speak that will try to prevent us from being wealthy outside the system. If we are in victim mentality we can blame this force on the famous “them.” But if we go deeper we can see this opposing force is almost like our own weakness’ that we have to learn to over come. I see that it is hard and if we are not in our heart center we will be tempted to go back into this pyramid scheme.

This is also why most healers, spiritual teachers and gurus in the spiritual community end up selling their soul either on a conscious or unconscious level. They compromise their values for profit because its easier. The compromises start off small until eventually the person is unrecognizable. They get completely taken over by a.i.

So by now, you might be thinking, “Well yes. But that is just one perspective. If there is a negative side, then there has to be a positive side to money to right?” And yes, I thought this too, which is why I kept searching for more understanding and more and more insight. We all need to make money here to survive. No one wants to struggle– l know I don’t. I want to be able to take care of my children and my family and have us all living comfortably.

So what is the positive side to this pyramid scheme? Well, when your body fights off a virus, your body becomes stronger and less vulnerable. Your heart becomes stronger.

Pillars Are Crumbling

What I also saw was that at one time the money entity was at a different frequency. I saw that at one point in history humans were also at a frequency that was compatible with this money entity. We worked within this pyramid. It fed us. It gave us roofs over our heads. We were able to buy homes and have this “game of life” experience. We were content and we didn’t question the status quo. Then, this pyramid scheme started to grow bigger. The gap between the top of the pyramid and the bottom of the pyramid became larger and larger. I saw this pyramid scheme feeding this virus/snake in this reality. This snake represents the inversions and the distortions of this realm. Many of us started waking up to this pyramid scheme and our frequency became incompatible with it. This is because money is a false system and the heart operates from truth.

This is causing the pyramid system to crumble. Its foundation is falling. This is why the pyramid scheme is going toward a new digital/ virtual matrix. IT is creating a new matrix and a new control system. Unfortunately crypto currencies and nesara/gesara are all part of this new digital /virtual matrix realm. The push to buy gold and silver is also part of the “old system” We must learn from the mistakes of the past or we will repeat the same cycles. If you want to experience freedom; be okay with “not knowing.” Be okay with stepping outside of these systems and just trust your heart that you will be taken care of.

When we detach from these systems we have the opportunity to hop onto a different “currency” or energetic current of abundance. But we must remember that abundance outside of the pyramid system will look and feel much different. I see child riding a boogie board on this other “currency” wave.

True abundance is a this playful child-like joy. It is creativity and imagination. I saw when we stay in our heart center, and don’t sell ourselves back to the pyramid system, it seems our resources to create are smaller compared to this maze. But when you have imagination the possibilities are endless. It can mean that you use your creativity to stretch the money you already have. This can be super simple solutions such as cooking more and not eating out. The thing is, sometimes this takes extra effort, and extra work, which many people will not want to do. They will choose to stay in a “lack mentality.”

This doesn’t mean we should totally forget about making money. Truth is, we need it as of now. But we are in a transition period. Some people are going to the “new and improved” virtual pyramid scheme and some of us are choosing to walk in other direction. I get the impression that things will look different and feel different for us until the creation process is finished. But while its crumbling things wont make sense. Its like painting a picture and we can’t see until the picture is done. During the transition we may experience and “decline” in money but a “rise” in other forms of abundance.

This was my light-bulb. This understanding has helped me regain an abundance mindset and tap into my creativity and imagination again. Thanks for reading!


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