• Healing

    The Original Wound of Consciousness

    This blog is a deeper dive into my previous post about the hero’s journey and the role of the antagonist. As souls–we hold both light and dark within ourselves. Our souls consist of both of these elements. We may think of our souls as pure light only, but within this bright light, we also consist of darkness or –lack of light–as one cannot exist without the other. And because the soul is our God spark–this would mean that soul is both light and dark since soul is God and God is everything.  There was a time when we were completely engulfed in the light side of ourselves. Being in ONLY…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Heroin, The Hero’s Journey, & Reptilians

    I was viewing the effects of the drug heroin some time ago and was surprised at what I learned from this. I learned that heroin is a sick, death-like female energy. Think of this energy like the scary little girl from the movie The Ring. This sick dead energy will start to take over and cause someone’s natural female energy to lose strength and vitality. So when people “kick”– or withdrawal from this–they are kicking out this sick female energy out of their energy field. When this energy leaves the body the energy doesn’t just disappear, it remains intact almost like a demon in the spirit/energy realm. Next, I saw…

  • Free Posts,  Healing,  Matrix

    The Vegetarian Vs. Carnivore Debate

    This topic came up in conversation recently which inspired me to look at it clairvoyantly. I will start by saying that if you believe that it’s one way or the other–Or believe that one specific way is the only way to true health– it’s a sure sign that you are stuck in a program. Any strong belief or idea about how another person should be living their life is actually a core trauma. When your belief is so strong that it prevents you from seeing the other side of the spectrum then you are simply operating from a wounded place. It does not indicate it is the highest truth. The…

  • Annunaki,  Matrix,  Members Only

    The Distortion in the Universe-Understanding The Big Picture

    This earth reality is part of a game experience. It is like a carnival ride in the universe that was suppose to be fun. The ride broke because a Virus got in and malfunctioned everything. This virus is a parasite. It overlaid its vibration on top of everything else-disguising itself. This makes our vibration distorted.  What this virus does is infiltrate the consciousness and keep the consciousness is connected from its own soul. It does this with negativity and abusive thoughts. This disconnection makes its hosts spiritually dead like zombies. They essentially forget who they are at their core-which is a spark of God. So how was this virus created…

  • Healing,  Matrix,  Members Only

    Introduction To Healing

    Traumatized Consciousness And The Artificial Matrix Traumatized consciousness is what powers the matrix. The matrix is a false technology based overlay–just like a filter–that covers everything in this realm. It inverts everything so that everything is in a state of disharmony. Just like computers, it creates programs that people can download/upload or remove and delete from their consciousness. A matrix program is anything that is preventing you from being your authentic self. It is usually a self-sabotaging or negative belief about oneself. It is a confusing energy and will often talk you out of what you truly desire to experience in this life. A program will cause you to repeat…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Earth is a Sims Game

    Life on earth is like a Sims game–and when we see it as a game can put us back in our power. We have more control and are less likely to get over taken by intense emotions. We will be able to think more strategically in terms of how to meet our goals. Etheric Sim implant I have also seen this Sims crystal symbol above people’s heads clairvoyantly. It is like an etheric implant. This etheric implant keeps you running on scripts (programs). You are less likely to be the player of your own character. In other words, you will simply be playing a role that was written for you…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Quick Chakra Update

    I looked into the chakras again because I was curious about what these little symbols on each chakra mean. I see that each symbol is like  a code. I see a tube from this symbol going into the matrix walls and then a very long journey into a deep pit. Inside this pit I sense “hell.” I hear claws and gnashing of teeth and monster noises. Each of these chakra symbols is like a code that goes into one of these pits where I suspect these beings feed from. I was instantly reminded of the part in the book of Revelations where it said the demons will rule for 1000…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    Jesus, Annunaki beings, & DNA

    I was really interested in doing a reading about Jesus. I grew up a christian and studied the bible intensely for years. I read most of the apocryphal writings and even studied the Hebrew texts. After searching for answer and digging deeper and deeper for years-I eventually had no choice but to leave religion. What I was reading in those texts and what the church taught didn’t add up. But the bible stories have always proven to hold some validity in regards to esoteric and Gnostic teachings. The things that changed were my perspectives on who and what these entities of these stories were. So, Jesus-was he a real man…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    The Real Reason Why You Can’t Manifest Money.

    Like most people, I was told that money is a currency and a frequency that we have to tap into. This is true. But this is only half of the truth. If you have been confused about what exactly money is and how some people seem to manifest it while you can’t —this blog will clear some things up. I did several meditations focused on understanding the energy of money and how it applies to this realm. How does it connect to this realm and why do we need it here? I went into this psychic reading really expecting to see some positive imagery around what money is and how…

  • Free Posts,  Matrix

    A look Into The Future/ The split in Reality Explained

    I ask to see a 1 year projection. I see my heart splitting in two. I see this means that humanity is splitting into two aspects. An organic and a half mechanical. I see this split is happening because humanity is at a point where it is half awake and half asleep. There will be alot of us that will continue to awaken and see our full potential. There will be some of us that are not ready for this and will be choosing to go back to sleep. There will be some people that choose their organic heart connection and there will be some people that wont. The people…