• Healing,  Matrix,  Members Only

    Introduction To Healing

    Traumatized Consciousness And The Artificial Matrix Traumatized consciousness is what powers the matrix. The matrix is a false technology based overlay–just like a filter–that covers everything in this realm. It inverts everything so that everything is in a state of disharmony. Just like computers, it creates programs that people can download/upload or remove and delete from their consciousness. A matrix program is anything that is preventing you from being your authentic self. It is usually a self-sabotaging or negative belief about oneself. It is a confusing energy and will often talk you out of what you truly desire to experience in this life. A program will cause you to repeat…

  • Free Posts,  Healing

    Narcissism-A Trauma Response

    Healing from narcissistic abuse has actually become a trend these days. Although this is a good thing, it’s important to understand that narcissism is actually a learned behavior as a result of childhood trauma. I have seen unhealthy narcissist attributes in the majority of people, including myself. This is because as children, the majority of us were traumatized. There are many adults walking around that don’t even know that their parent’s parenting style was traumatizing and had lasting negative impacts on their psyche. This is because this way of parenting (punishing until the child submits) is normal in our society. We had narcissist parents that were traumatized by their parents.…

  • Free Posts,  Healing,  Matrix

    You are the Portal

    You are a portal for the new paradigm. The new paradigm is not something that we will wake up to see spontaneously. We will shift into the new paradigm gradually as the paradigm starts to come through each one of us. As we change our perspectives, we change the paradigm in our mind and as a result– reality shifts. As each one of us starts the process of healing and removing the density from our consciousness-we open up new lines of energy within our body. Our hearts expand with more energy and we are able to radiate that energy outward. Our field contains all the information we hold in our…