Free Posts,  Healing,  Matrix

You are the Portal

You are a portal for the new paradigm. The new paradigm is not something that we will wake up to see spontaneously. We will shift into the new paradigm gradually as the paradigm starts to come through each one of us.

As we change our perspectives, we change the paradigm in our mind and as a result– reality shifts. As each one of us starts the process of healing and removing the density from our consciousness-we open up new lines of energy within our body. Our hearts expand with more energy and we are able to radiate that energy outward. Our field contains all the information we hold in our consciousness through our vibration.

Everyone we come in contact with as we go about our day gains access to this information every time they come into our field. They may be unaware or unconscious of the information they are receiving but their own energy field picks up the vibrations anyway. These subtle messages that you are sending everywhere you go are helping other people in their own process of healing. Somewhere down the line they will be ready to start their own journey of clearing the heaviness they carry around with them and thus opening the portal for the new paradigm to come through them too. The more each one of us awakens the more we will see the external reality shift. 

Don’t doubt the work you are doing! Clearing generational trauma is hard work! Together we are creating a new earth! We are changing the game!

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